Podcast Episodes
Since October 2023, I have been creating content for YouTube and podcasting platforms Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, TikTok and RSS. You can find the links to my youtube videos blow. For podcasts, you can click the socials links in the header of the website. I hope you enjoy listening or watching!
Welcome to More Like Christ
In this video, I introduce myself, the purpose of the channel, and why I've started it. You can get involved by posing questions about problems with Christianity, topics you struggle with, or reasons why you don't think Christianity is true. Go to MoreLikeChrist.co.uk
My Reasons to Avoid Halloween
In this video, I discuss two main reasons why I avoid Halloween and why I don't think it's wise for Christians to engage with this festival.
Who Created God?
When Christians argue the point of creation by an intelligent designer, there is often a question: well who created God? And it's a good question! One that all Christians should be ready to answer. I think there are some simple explanations, and I've compiled a mix of a few of them in this short little video.
Which Bible is True? And why are there so many?
In this episode we're looking at Bible translations and addressing the question about which one is 'true' and why there are so many versions of the Bible. I spend a bit of time talking about the Bible, how we got the original texts that we translate into English, and then the main ways in which the original languages are translated into modern languages. I've given you six versions of the Bible to think about; these are on a spectrum from Paraphrase to literal word-for-word. At the end of the video, I've also spoken about two versions of the Bible to AVOID! I've given the reasons why I think this too.
We All Need Forgiveness
What does being 'saved' mean? Why do I need forgiveness What happens after we die? What is sin? How does justice work? What are objective moral laws? What is good and evil? How can I gain forgiveness? These are all questions I will hope to answer in this video. I will be following this up with another episode talking about once I have been saved and forgiven, can I lose it?
Debunking the Myth: Why Good Works Aren't Necessary for Heaven
In this video I look at once saved, do I need to do anything else to earn or guarantee my path to heaven? My answer is no! I explain why using some biblical reasoning, and at a high level, refuting the catholic view of salvation. I also look at where 'good works' fit into this, because they are important.